In honour of international women's day I wanted to come on here and talk about women supporting women. There is nothing that frustrates me more than seeing women having a hard time uplifting and encouraging another women. A day that has occurred for over a century celebrating the social, economical, cultural and political achievements of women - a woman alone has power, collectively we are a pack. 

Unfortunately in our society today, women are objectified by what they look like through the use of social media. This huge platform that has been created is the biggest way of destroying a woman's self esteem, but why is this? Why is it that when we see all these size 6, tanned, perfectly shaped Victoria Secret models on Instagram or in magazines make us feel so worthless and down graded in today's society. Social media is such an incredible platform for business purposes and personal use. There is nothing that irritates me more than when Twitter, Instagram, Youtube or Facebook are being used for the wrong reason. I remember when I first downloaded Instagram in year 9 onto my iPod and I would upload horrendous quality photographs with the Instagram filters of my friends at school, the good times we would always have. When did the purpose of posting our favourite images change? I upload onto social media because I love taking photos and creating videos and if it goes somewhere that is an added bonus. But never have I thought to upload or comment on Instagram to demean another girl or a woman. The judgement and negativity that these social media platforms have turned into today is a disgrace and our society should be completely ashamed. There is never a day when I don’t see a negative comment about how somebody is living their lives or a shallow human being commenting on somebody's weight or appearance. This is where we all need to #BeBoldForChange.  
Discrimination between gender, race, religion or anything else that is deemed slightly '' different,” should not still be happening in 2020. A lot of historic people fought for their human rights, including Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and many other activists for us to live in a peaceful and humble world. Why can’t people just be kind to each other?
Next time you think of writing something negative on a young woman's post, just think to yourself “what am I gaining from this?” “Is writing this going to make me feel any better about myself?” Women supporting women is very important. What other people say about you does not define who you are but who they are. 
Happy International Women's day!

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