Photograph taken on my Christmas present from by boyfriend - Instax mini LiPlay
So the festive season is over and everybody's feeling a little glum. Although I go into every year feeling extremely motivated to sort my life out, I am always left feeling a bit lonely and down after 2 weeks of fun with my family and friends, to having nothing to look forward too. Christmas is GO GO GO from start to finish, so finally stopping and actually having to think about the real life leaves me feeling anxious of what is to come.
This year I have a lot of plans. There are so many things I want to achieve work and career wise that now it has turned 2020, I don’t even know where to start. When January 2nd came around (as the 1st is always a complete right off) I felt extremely overwhelmed with the thought that I need to get stuff DONE. I think I have been building up to this fresh start in my head for such a long time, that when it came around I didn’t know where to begin. The craziness of Christmas and finishing my internship in London has completely thrown me off. I have been drinking and way too much and have been unnecessarily lazy. The quote; “the less you do the less you want to do,” springs to mind and it is completely true. The last 5 days it has been a struggle just to wake up before 9:00AM, there is no reason to be awake but then you don’t want to waste your last few days of freedom until the routine kicks in again.
It is the first Monday of the decade and I am back working at Class Professional Publishing where I worked over the Summer and back to complete my placement year. I woke up this morning not just with an ‘I can’t be bothered attitude’ but also the determination and motivation to start this week/month/year right and how I imagined. I lack a lot of get up and go since coming back from London, so it is a battle with my inner self to force myself to crossfit straight after 8 hours at work.
I didn’t want to write a generic ‘New Years resolutions’ post, instead I wanted to talk about it realistically. We all dream about being this type of person that were going to click our fingers and instantly change into as it hits midnight on New Years, when it does not happen like that. We have to work hard to achieve our goals and that is my main resolution this year. To work hard, not just on my physical state but also mentally. Christmas can be hard hitting for some people, it is 2 weeks of non stop mayhem. 2020 for me is all about growing as a person and escaping all negativity. I want to work hard on my career, have mini projects, concentrate on my photography and just dive right into the things that I love because I know this is what makes me happy.
Another main goal I want to work on is managing my time better. There are 24 hours in the day and I still don’t seem to get stuff done. Waking up earlier, spending less time on social media networks and just being present in what is going on around me is important. As young adults we are all so indulged into our mobiles as it is all we seem to know, but just the simple; not bringing your phone to the dinner table and staying off it when engaging with friends and family will make a huge difference.
Happy 2020 everybody! Here is to a year of health and happiness.