As 2020 comes to a close I think we are all extremely excited to leave such a crazy year behind. As we do sit and think about what has gone on over the past 12 months, it is important to concentrate on the positives. Last night a post on Instagram came up from The Happiness Newspaper where they shared so much good that has happened this year that nobody even knows about. Did you know that Scotland became the first country to provide sanitary products for free? Or that more that 1 million people in the UK gave up smoking since the pandemic hit? Or that Australia learned how to turn expired beer due to lockdown into renewable energy? None of these incredible things have been noticed to due the outrange of COVID-19 all over the news.
So what have I learnt this year. I have learnt to not take anything for granted. You don't realise how amazing your life is until it gets taken away from you. I have learnt that if you try, you can make the most out of a bad situation.
2020 has given us some incredible life lessons that we would never of discovered without this incident happening. If there is anything we can take into the new year with us, is to look after ourselves, our family and our friends. It is time to put ourselves first and do exactly what we want to do!
I know we are all extremely frustrated but all we can do is hold tight. Bigger and better things coming from 2021. Happy New Year everybody.